Please support my Pretoria East based business and help me grow my chicken farm.

It all started at the beginning of March 2020. Our neighbor who had a
few backyard chickens gave some hens and a rooster to Die Jong Boer. It was so exciting getting fresh eggs every morning! Well, from there the bug bit
and his flock grew from strength to strength.

Listen to my radio interview

Die Jong Boer – Daniël Jacobs

Currently he has the original ‘start up’ hens as well as Potch Koek Koek’s and Hi-Line hens. Each hen has her own name and each their own personality too! They are really peaceful birds who love to scratch and take sand baths. It is Die Jong Boer’s goal to ensure that his hens are as happy and well as can be. This entails them being free to roam in their large outdoor area and take sand baths. They are fed a varied diet of chicken feed as well as lots of fresh foods. This includes a variety of herbs ​ such as mint, basil, origanum and parsley, also, salad greens and carrots. 

Sunflower seeds are a huge treat and the birds just love them! Taking this approach has ensured that the hens produce super ‘healthy’ eggs that have lovely dark yellow yolks. You won’t find fresher eggs!
During this time Die Jong Boer has found that Hi-Line hens are the best layer hens. The shells of their eggs range from a light tan to a dark tan.
The Potch Koek-Koek hens also lay well and the shells of their eggs range from white to a creamy colour.

In a tray, the mix of eggs look fabulous – fresh from the farm. Die Jong Boer has big plans. He wants to expand his free range
chicken enclosure over time and thus increase the egg offering. Be sure to ‘watch this space’ for further developments and offerings!